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Derby Style: Stopping Traffic without Breaking Your Budget

Derby Style: Stopping Traffic without Breaking Your Budget

Hats require confidence, and Southern women possess a soft but powerful confidence in spades.
— Louise Green

Unlike other sporting events, the Derby inspires fashion. There is the option to buy, borrow, or build a hat or fascinator. With no rules or limits to your choice of attire, all you need is a little time and courage to decide your direction. In your mad rush to get to the races, do not forget to be authentically you. My most important advice when choosing your outfit is start with a few pieces you love. If you are headed out to the track for a few days, you can mix up your trends and range of outfits.

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Derby Style: Mixing a bit of Vintage and Modern


This blog post highlights a few creative options to stay full of fashion while keeping your budget at a fraction. Need help being hatted for Derby week? Here is a fascinator I assembled on a budget of less than $30.00. 

If you have time and a bit of creative energy, you can create a hat or fascinator.  I grew up in a family that appreciated vintage pieces. The pink fascinator, pictured here, was a lucky find a few years back at an estate sale. The base had a ripped birdcage veil that I updated, added a white quill, duck feathers, and a few stripped coque millinery feathers. The duck feathers and white quill were both styled on low heat with a curling iron to add dimension.  While assembling your piece a few things to remember are a point of focus (white quill), accent colors (duck feathers), and personality (stripped coque millinery feathers & birdcage veil). 

While this option definitely takes a bit of time and organization, with the right accessories and creative flair you will have a plethora of fashion options readily available.  Make sure to check out your local craft store or Dees to find feathers and other options to assemble with your outfit. With all the craziness of Derby, do not forget who you are is more important than an outfit or price tag.  

Coach & Consultant Jennifer M. Blair provides more thoughts on fully being yourself.

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